TMS awarded the ‘Character Education Kitemark’

The Malling School is extremely proud to announce that we have been awarded the ‘Character Education Kitemark’ and have been recognised as a school of character.
The Malling School is extremely proud
The organisation supports schools, teachers and other educationalists to develop and promote character education responses that enable young people and societies to flourish.
A few of the many positive comments made by the assessors when bestowing this award:
“It was clear to the assessors that your passion for character development linked with high quality pastoral care and ambitious goals for all students, regardless of ability and aptitude, was infectious”
“Behaviour in the school is generally outstanding and the overall calmness between lessons and in non-supervised areas was striking. Students were confident and assertive but always polite and appreciative of the needs of others”
“The school actively seeks to provide opportunities for students of all ages to develop both leadership and collaborative working skills and offers a wide range of interesting and stimulating opportunities to children of all aptitudes and abilities.”
“We are delighted that the continuous hard work and enthusiasm of the staff and pupils has resulted in us achieving this fantastic award.”Mr Vennart