Support our Lake Project
We are a local school serving East Malling and surrounding areas, our grounds lie in a fantastic location and include a lake area. Find us here on what3words.
The lake is a local beauty spot and was used by local residents during the recent lock-downs for recreation and exercise. The school uses it for biodiversity projects, local history and geographical study. Did you know that the Millpond Lake as it was previously known, is set in the former parkland of Clare House, a neo-classical villa built by John Larking in 1973, most of the parkland, including the lake now forms the grounds of The Malling School.
To carry on the good work so far we have created a crowd funding campaign to try and raise £16,587 to enable us to further develop the lake for the use of our local community, local schools and to support the work of the Lake Restoration Project. Click here for the project details.
The plans include installing boards on biodiversity and habitat as well as the history of the area, bat and owl boxes, life buoy sets and maintenance items to help us to keep access open to all. We are already working with local community groups to maintain and develop the area benefitting from an agreement with the Medway Valley Countryside Partnership, details available here.
As well as local donations, we have been successful in obtaining a pledge of £7,691 from Kent County Council, Crowdfund Kent Programme. This has brought our total raised to date to £9,152 of £16,587 that we are hoping to raise, over half-way there!
We are writing this to find local businesses to ask if they are prepared to make a pledge towards our project, either financially or in goods/services. We are planning to start work on this project as soon as the total is reached, your support would be gratefully received.
For any further information please click here to contact Sue Birchall via email or 01732 840995 ext 260.
Thank you in anticipation
The Malling School Fundraising Team