Personal Development Pathways
The launch of our Personal Development Pathways (PDPs) extra-curricular provision started at the beginning of Term 5. The student participation in these clubs and activities has been amazing. We have seen the highest participation rates in extra-curricular activities ever at TMS. Our staff are currently offering 26 different clubs ranging from drama, book club to cooking and basketball, among many others. Please continue to encourage your child/children to attend at least one of these clubs on a regular basis. As a school we will ensure that every student is encouraged to participate as we firmly believe that some of the most valuable learning experiences can often occur outside of the formal curriculum.
Lastly, we are very much looking forward to seeing all of our Year 9 students participating in their Bronze DofE expedition on Thursday 10th and Friday 11th June in the first week back after the half-term break. This will be taking place on school site and a separate letter has already been sent regarding this. We are really excited about the fact that we will have almost every Year 9 student completing this invaluable award and really appreciate the support and encouragement that it required from home to ensure our students successfully complete their Bronze DofE award.