The Malling School Way

The Malling School Way

TMSW - The Malling School Way 

The development of our students’ character is central to everything we do at The Malling School and we continually strive to ensure our students follow ‘The Malling School Way’. 

‘The Malling School Way’ is the foundation of our school and can be shown by demonstrating our three core character values of being Caring, Determined and Reflective.  We encourage all our staff and students to strive to show these character traits.

Our first core value is being ‘Caring’.  We want our students to be caring and will continue to encourage them to look after others and provide for their needs.  We stress the importance of putting others first and concerning themselves with how everyone is treated.  We show that being caring means supporting those around you, however you can.

Our second core value is being ‘Determined’.  We will continue to teach our students that being determined means you are willing to focus your efforts on challenging activities and keeping going especially when things are difficult. It means trying your best all the time, no matter what else is happening.

Our last core value is being ‘Reflective’.  We will always teach our students that being reflective means you are able to consider possible alternatives.  It means you can look back on what you and others have done and consider how to improve in the future. It means our students are always open to considering how best to develop.

Through our planned Personal Development Curriculum, Great Teaching Model and Positive Behaviour Support we teach our students about what The Malling School Way means: 


The Malling School Way   

It means being kind and respectful to other pupils around you.   
It means being punctual and taking pride in your work.   
It means taking pride in your appearance and always looking smart.   
It means being polite and always saying good morning or good afternoon, smiling at others and holding doors open for others.   
It means always doing your best.   
It means always making progress, working as a team, being loyal and being supported to be successful.   
It means demonstrating high standards and being the best person you can be in every lesson, every day.   
It means having good values and developing physically and mentally and not just about getting good grades but becoming a better person.   
It means being a risk taker, taking pride in our school and being confident.  
It means taking on challenges and learning from your mistakes so that you can become a better person.   
It means thinking about other people and always being considerate.   
It means having high expectations of yourself and high expectations of the school.  

This is The Malling School Way.