Study periods
Timetables are different in sixth Form, compared to when students are in Key stage 3 & 4 (school years 7-11). One of the biggest differences are study periods, these are timetabled, and students will have different amounts dependant on the courses they have chosen to study. Sixth Form students have the Sixth Form hub to use in their study periods.
The workload increases dramatically from GCSE to IB and Level 3 courses and students need to have a practical approach to their learning. Good organisation is crucial, as is the ability to work independently, whilst seeking advice from teaching staff. Making the best use of time, both in and out of school, is part of the Post 16 learning curve.
IB and Level 3 courses require students to work substantially beyond lessons. Students are required to develop independent study skills of research and reading around their subjects. Students should view their time in the Sixth Form as a full-time job and make their learning a priority.
As a general guide, students should be studying 3-4 hours per day beyond their lessons, either in school or at home. Students will be set homework and coursework assignments, plus revision for tests, assessments, and examinations, all of which should take place outside of lessons. Students must make time to study; balancing work and relaxation is difficult at first.
Our advice is to work hard at school in study periods, which will make more time available for leisure pursuits outside of school hours. It is important to have a sensible work-life balance, but often students have the wrong balance of too much social life and part time employment and this manifests itself in poor performance and results.