
Choreography is writing with your feet ".

Bob Fosse

Department Vision Statement/ Curriculum Intent

The Malling School is fully devoted to providing dancers of all capabilities an encouraging, safe environment where they are given the opportunity to grow and excel in Dance choreography, and Performance. 

Our vision is to provide quality dance through caring, invested, and motivational staff, helping to instill a love of dance while inspiring self-confidence, creativity, artistry, teamwork, and professionalism. 

Dance provides a respectful and nurturing environment so all dancers can gain strong self-confidence, self-respect, and discipline whilst gaining an insight into life as a professional dancer. We encourage our students to achieve their potential and support them as they grow artistically and academically. 

Teamwork is an incredibly important part of Dance at The Malling School.  Students will have the chance to work with a range of people throughout their lessons, working in duets, trios, small group, and whole class activities.  This will allow the students to share ideas, support each other and have different roles like choreographer and dancer.  We pride ourselves on mutual respect and joint participation and this allows students to feel comfortable and confident in sharing their ideas with the group.  To ensure that students get a good mix of groups the groups will change frequently throughout the lessons. 

Creativity is at the heart of the Dance curriculum.  Each student will have the opportunity to create their own performances from set stimuli and they can showcase and develop their ideas.  They are constantly challenged throughout the lessons and the research and analysis of professional repertoire helps to enhance their performances. 

Dance is more than just performing.  Its about expressing ourselves in a way writing or speaking cannot. 



Year 10 - KS4 - Exam Board Pearson

Pupils will work on developing key dance skills through a range of workshops focused on technique. This will include learning taught repertoire as well as using choreography skills to create dances and performing.

Component 1
Exploring the Performing Arts

Internal Assessment


Pupils will focus on three distinct genres of Dance. They will learn about the style through research and analysis of practitioners and repertoire. This will include practical exploration as well as theoretical understanding.

Pupils then complete a written report containing all of the information learnt

Curriculum Booklet

Homework Booklet

Year 11 - KS4 - Exam Board Pearson


Component 2
Developing Skills and Techniques

Internal Assessment


Pupils develop key dance skills through workshops and taught repertoire. They demonstrate improvement in their dance skills and evaluate their progress at key points. They devise pieces in response to the taught work.


Curriculum Booklet

Homework Booklet


Component 3
 Performing to a Brief

External Assessment


Pupils create a dance piece suitable for performance in response to a brief set by the exam board. They complete written work to explain their thoughts and ideas, as well as the process of creating the piece. The finished piece is videoed and pupils evaluate the success of the outcome.


Curriculum Booklet

Homework Booklet