Latest News
- 14/12/22
Nu-Venture bus 149 snow update
Nu-Venture bus 149 - in the interests of safety, buses will NOT, because of ice, compacted snow and parked vehicles, serve Cuxton (Bush Rd/James Rd/Charles Drive) before 0900 Thursday & Friday. After-school bus will be unaffected. Please use bus stops on A228.Read Full Story - 12/12/22
East Malling Centre
Please read message below from our local community. Merry Christmas everyone! Thank you so much to all those that have donated items in the last month of warm items, food parcels, toys and fabulous Christmas treats. We thank you all for thinking of us and supporting our local communit...Read Full Story - 12/12/22
SEND Parent Forum postponed
The SEND Parent Forum due to be held on Wednesday evening 14th December 2022 has been postponed until the new year - new date to follow shortly.Read Full Story - 12/12/22
School ready to open tomorrow (Tuesday 13th December)
Our site staff have done an amazing job getting our school ready to open tomorrow (Tuesday 13th December) However, as there will still be snow on the ground tomorrow, we want to ensure that all our pupils are warm and safe on the way to school, when walking around the school paths and on the way...Read Full Story - 12/12/22
Elf Performance moved to 14/12/22
We are disappointed to inform you that tonight’s performance of Elf has been cancelled, but pleased to say it will be taking place on Wednesday 14th December instead. The cast that would have performed today will perform on Wednesday. Tuesday’s cast will remain the same. Anyone who...Read Full Story - 11/12/22
School Closure 12/12/22
Due to the heavy downfall of snow this evening and the expected low temperatures overnight the decision has been made to for The Malling School to move to remote learning tomorrow. (Monday 12th December) This decision has been made following significant concerns on whether staff and pupils can ge...Read Full Story