Latest News

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  • 25/07/22

    Household Support Fund

    Funded by the UK government, the Household Support Fund scheme supports vulnerable Kent households in need of help with significantly rising living costs. You can apply up until 30 September 2022, or until the budget is spent. If successful, support will be provided in the form of the followin...
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  • 19/07/22

    Prom 2022 Photos

    Please click here to view all the photos  
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  • 18/07/22

    TMS awarded £6,902!

    TMS is proud to announce that it has been awarded £6,902 from The National Lottery Community Fund for the East Malling Lake Project. Not far to go now, please support us by pledging or liking us here.
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  • 12/07/22

    Matilda SHow July 2022

    Tickets are now only available on the door. £4 for adults £2 for children/concessions. Payment is cash only and refreshments are available in the interval. The hall is going to be hot and we will do what we can to keep temperatures down but it would be advisable to bring wat...
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  • 29/06/22

    Support our Lake Project

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  • 28/06/22

    Year 6 Transition Workshops 2022

    Click here to attend one of our taster sessions
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