Latest News

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  • 28/05/21

    Art Remembrance Competition April 2021

    Art Competition This term students at The Malling School have been reflecting on Inspirational Figures. As one of the focal points students looked at the amazing work of the NHS and how British artist Tom Croft inspired a collection of artwork called, ‘Portraits for NHS Heroes.’ This col...
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  • 25/02/21

    TMS awarded the ‘Character Education Kitemark’

    The Malling School is extremely proud to announce that we have been awarded the ‘Character Education Kitemark’ and have been recognised as a school of character.
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  • 29/01/21

    Staff awarded their NCFE/ CACHE Level 2

    Huge congratulations to the staff who this week were awarded their NCFE/ CACHE Level 2 in Understanding Autism certificates.
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