Latest News

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  • 25/04/23

    Students visit Tower of London

    On Wednesday 19th and Thursday 20th April all of our Year 8 students visited The Tower of London on a school trip. Please see below for a few photos from the trip.
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  • 24/04/23

    Bach to Future Roadshow

    Today students in year 7 had an extended assembly with a visit from the Bach to Future Roadshow from Kent Music School. Lori, Graeme and Colin gave the students a tour through the instruments of the orchestra, demonstrating how the instruments work as well as performing a series of different pieces...
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  • 23/03/23

    Hidden Hero Award 2023

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  • 21/03/23


    After the cracking success of last year, The Malling School ducklings are back by popular demand. Students will have an opportunity to watch the eggs hatch and ducklings grow over the next 2 weeks. The live feed has now finished, please see some highlights below.
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  • 17/03/23

    Prom 2023 update

    The Malling School Leavers Prom 2023 23rd June Mercure Great Danes Hotel Maidstone Please be reminded the remainder of the balance is due 24th March 2023 Please note we are now fully booked and can take no further applications. Those attending please check your emails for details as w...
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  • 10/02/23

    Donation from JTL Training People

    The Malling School would like to share our recent good fortune. We have received a very kind donation from Julie Asher-Smith at JTL Training People, who donated funds to provide us with a range of new books for our library. The books displayed in this picture were especially chosen by Mrs Sherry to...
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