The behaviour management system at The Malling School includes rewards. Our structured system plays a vital role in promoting positive behaviour and helping develop ‘The Malling School Way’. We strongly believe that public acknowledgement and extrinsic reward encourages our pupils to give their very best, regardless of their level of ability.
Key Objectives
- To reward a pupil’s efforts and achievements on both a short and long term basis
- To give positive feedback
- To inform parents of their child’s achievement
- To acknowledge a pupil’s achievement to their peer group
- To acknowledge a pupil’s achievement in a whole school assembly
- To enable pupils to be rewarded for particular talents
The Rewards System operates as follows at The Malling School
- The Malling School Way character and academic values are displayed publicly across the school premises
- The Malling School Way character and academic values are embedded in our reward system to promote and celebrate these qualities in our pupils
- Every classroom has a white board divided into SWAT for behaviour management and The Malling School Way where teachers record the names of the children who are receiving reward points
- Reward points may be issued for the following reasons:
Academic |
Character |
Doing your best |
Kind and respectful |
Making progress |
Punctual |
High standards |
Looking smart |
Taking pride |
Being polite |
Learn from mistakes |
Good values |
High expectations |
Being considerate |
Being resilient |
5. Points are accumulated for year groups, form groups and individual pupils throughout their school career which makes the children eligible for the following rewards:
- Termly postcards
- Celebration in rewards assemblies in Term 2, 4 and 6 (bi-termly)
- Certificates for attendance, behaviour and reward points
- The Malling School Way badges
- Rewards days (TBC)
The Malling School Way badges
Bi-Termly, during rewards assemblies, SLT will award children with the highest positive count of accumulated ‘The Malling School Way’ reward points with metallic badges and certificates.
The badges are coloured and their hue corresponds to a specific count of reward points. The required count of reward points to achieve each badge is bespoke to each year group for fairness and to ensure that students are able to achieve the highest prestige badges. In year 11 badges and certificates can also be accompanied by vouchers.
Gallery of excellence
Each term subject teachers select examples of excellent work from their subject areas. The work is displayed with the child’s name in the schools corridor of excellence. The nominated pupils work is collated in a video which is shared publicly on the school website and social media.
Christmas advent calendar
Throughout December each Pastoral Leader will celebrate a child in their year group daily in period 1. The Malling School staff will nominate children within each year group for their character and academic achievements and the Pastoral Leaders will create a slide to be published in period 1 daily through December.
Presentation Evening
Every July, The Malling School holds a Presentation Evening. This is an evening to which parents/carers are invited to see pupils awarded with certificates and/or trophies for outstanding achievement or effort. Awards are made in the following categories:
- Subject Award for Achievement from every department for a pupil in Year 7, 8, 9, 10 and 11
- Subject Award for Effort from every department for a pupil in Year 7, 8, 9, 10 and 11.
- Robin Bambridge Science Award
- Governors’ Award for progress in the Tydeman Centre
- Excellence in Sport Award
- Gillian Mitchell Memorial Shield for the Arts
- Musician of the Year
- Contribution to Extra-Curricular Music
- Dee Gray Community Service Award
- Ian Hobson Award for the Most Improved Pupil
- TMS award for Contribution to the Library
Other Awards
100% attendance certificates for the year are awarded on the last day of each term. In addition, certificates and vouchers are awarded for 100% attendance over the course of a whole school year in the end of year whole school Rewards Assembly.